Baseline project
The aim of the Baseline project was to produce values for Road Safety KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in EU Member States. Each participating country provided between one and eight national KPI values, that were comparable across countries and met the minimum methodological requirements of the European Commission. This project has also contributed to capacity building in the EU, in particular in the Member States which had not yet collected and calculated the data for the KPIs.
The KPIs were related to the following areas
- Speeding
- Use of seatbelts and child restraint systems
- Use of protective helmets by riders of bicycles and Powered Two-Wheelers
- Driving under the influence of alcohol
- Distraction by a mobile device
- Vehicle safety
- Infrastructure
- Post-crash care

The project was supported by the European Commission, which paid for 50% of the costs of data collection and processing.
Vias institute coordinated the Baseline project. For the methodological, data processing and quality assurance activities, Vias institute was assisted by SWOV from the Netherlands and NTUA from Greece. For each KPI, a “KPI expert group” was established in view of drafting guidelines and providing methodological support to the participating countries. All methodological developments were monitored and approved by an international Technical Committee.
The Baseline project started in July 2020 and was finalised in October 2022.

18 EU Member States participated in the project: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.